The first Kawasaki KZ750 twin was built in 1975 and sold as a 1976 model as a KZ750B1. For the first four years of production (1976-79), the KZ750B1 through B4 shared identical Mikuni BS38 carburetor assemblies. These assemblies are probably the heaviest twin-carb assemblies ever built and have a couple unique features. The biggest oddity is that the Kawasaki version of the BS38 uses a system where both the pilot jet and main jet are screwed into the float bowl. A good bowl gasket is critical because gas is drawn from the jets into the internal passages that lead to the venturi via channels beneath the gasket inside the float chamber. The pilot jets used are standard BS series fare in that they are Mikuni BS30/96 type but the main jets are unique to Kawasaki BS38 carburetor assemblies. They look like very small air jets and are frequently stripped as they require the correct sized small screwdriver to remove
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